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Er worden maximaal 10000 titles weergegeven.
Titel Prijs
Evans, Ifor - A short history of English literature., A short history of English literature., Schrijver: Evans, Ifor € 4,00
Zeuske, Max - A short History of the United States of  America., A short History of the United States of America., Schrijver: Zeuske, Max € 4,00
Perris, G. H. - A short history of war and peace,., A short history of war and peace,., Schrijver: Perris, G. H. € 22,00
Kneale, Bryan. - A Silver Jubilee Exhibition of Contemporary British Sculpture 1977. A Silver Jubilee Exhibition of Contemporary British Sculpture 1977. Schrijver: Kneale, Bryan. € 4,00
GLENN, L. L., Burke, R. E., - A simple and inexpensive method for 3-dimernsional visualization of neurons reconstructed from serial sections-., A simple and inexpensive method for 3-dimernsional visualization of neurons reconstructed from serial sections-., Schrijver: GLENN, L. L., Burke, R. E., € 4,00
KÄLLSTRÖM, Y., S. Lindström - A simple device for pressure injection of HRP into small central neurons. A simple device for pressure injection of HRP into small central neurons. Schrijver: KÄLLSTRÖM, Y., S. Lindström € 4,00
Würden, S.,  U. Homberg - A simple method for immuofluorescent double staining with primary antisera from the same specied., A simple method for immuofluorescent double staining with primary antisera from the same specied., Schrijver: Würden, S., U. Homberg € 4,00
Nanda, I.  R. Raman - A simple method for staining the synaptonemal compleyx with coomassie brilliant blue for light microsopy., A simple method for staining the synaptonemal compleyx with coomassie brilliant blue for light microsopy., Schrijver: Nanda, I. R. Raman € 4,00
Yu, D.  F. J. Gordon - A simple method to improve the reliability of iontophoretic administration of trace substanced. A simple method to improve the reliability of iontophoretic administration of trace substanced. Schrijver: Yu, D. F. J. Gordon € 4,00
Bower, A.J.,  G. Waddington - A simple operative technique für chroically seveering the cerebellar peduncles in neontal rats., A simple operative technique für chroically seveering the cerebellar peduncles in neontal rats., Schrijver: Bower, A.J., G. Waddington € 4,00
PEARCE, B. R.,  Currie, D. N., Dutton, G. R., Hussey, D. E. R., Beale, R., Pigott, R., - A simple perfusion chamber for studying neurotransmitter release from cells maintained in monolayer culture., A simple perfusion chamber for studying neurotransmitter release from cells maintained in monolayer culture., Schrijver: PEARCE, B. R., Currie, D. N., Dutton, G. R., Hussey, D. E. R., Beale, R., Pigott, R., € 4,00
LAN, H. Y., Mu,. W., NG, Y. Y., Nikolic-Paterson, D. J., Atkins, R. C., - A simple, reliable, and sensitive method for nonradioactive in situ hybridization. use of microwave heating to improve hybridization efficiency and preserve tissue morphology. A simple, reliable, and sensitive method for nonradioactive in situ hybridization. use of microwave heating to improve hybridization efficiency and preserve tissue morphology. Schrijver: LAN, H. Y., Mu,. W., NG, Y. Y., Nikolic-Paterson, D. J., Atkins, R. C., € 4,00
NGUYEN, K. B., Pender, M. P., - A simple technique for flat osmicating and flat embedding of immunolabelled vibratome sections of the spinal cord for light and electron microscopy. A simple technique for flat osmicating and flat embedding of immunolabelled vibratome sections of the spinal cord for light and electron microscopy. Schrijver: NGUYEN, K. B., Pender, M. P., € 4,00
CORREA, F. M. A., Guilhaume, S. S., Saavedra, J. M. - , A simple two step immunocytochemical method using protein a - peroxidase to stain immunoreactive cell antigens. , A simple two step immunocytochemical method using protein a - peroxidase to stain immunoreactive cell antigens. Schrijver: CORREA, F. M. A., Guilhaume, S. S., Saavedra, J. M. € 4,00
Donleavy, J.P. - A singular man oder ein ängstlicher Held., A singular man oder ein ängstlicher Held., Schrijver: Donleavy, J.P. € 26,00
Mikszath, Kalman - A sipsirica. A gavallerok., A sipsirica. A gavallerok., Schrijver: Mikszath, Kalman € 4,00
Suchman, Edward A.  Louis Guttman - A solution to the problem of question bias., A solution to the problem of question bias., Schrijver: Suchman, Edward A. Louis Guttman € 4,00
Greene, Graham - A sort of life., A sort of life., Schrijver: Greene, Graham € 4,00
Greene, Graham - A sort of life., A sort of life., Schrijver: Greene, Graham € 4,00
FUNK-ARCHULTA, M. A., Foehr, M. W., Tomei,. L. D,, Hennebold, K. L., Bathurst, I. C., - A soy-derived antiapoptotic fraction decreases methotrexate toxicity in tthe gastrointentinal tract of the rat., A soy-derived antiapoptotic fraction decreases methotrexate toxicity in tthe gastrointentinal tract of the rat., Schrijver: FUNK-ARCHULTA, M. A., Foehr, M. W., Tomei,. L. D,, Hennebold, K. L., Bathurst, I. C., € 4,00
The CG/Random House Anthology - A special preview of six outstanding new novels by Oiana Fallaci, James Ellroy, Bernardo Atxaga, Philip Kerr, Dan Binchy and Anne Rice. A special preview of six outstanding new novels by Oiana Fallaci, James Ellroy, Bernardo Atxaga, Philip Kerr, Dan Binchy and Anne Rice. Schrijver: The CG/Random House Anthology € 4,00
GANNON, P.,J., Eden. A. R., - A specialized innervation of the tensor tympani muscle in Macaca fascicularis., A specialized innervation of the tensor tympani muscle in Macaca fascicularis., Schrijver: GANNON, P.,J., Eden. A. R., € 4,00
LAI, Y. Y., Barnes, C. D., - A spinal projection of serotoninergic neurons of the locus coeruleus in the cat A spinal projection of serotoninergic neurons of the locus coeruleus in the cat Schrijver: LAI, Y. Y., Barnes, C. D., € 4,00
Palmer, J. - A Stückle Welt.,  Schwobagschichta. A Stückle Welt., Schwobagschichta. Schrijver: Palmer, J. € 6,00
Eareckson, Joni  Steve Estes - A step further. A step further. Schrijver: Eareckson, Joni Steve Estes € 4,00
CHEN, B-. X., Szabolcs, M. J., Matsushima, A. Y., Erlanger, B. F., - A strategy for immunocytochemical signal enhancement by end-product amplification. A strategy for immunocytochemical signal enhancement by end-product amplification. Schrijver: CHEN, B-. X., Szabolcs, M. J., Matsushima, A. Y., Erlanger, B. F., € 4,00
Masaryk, T.G. - A stredni Evropa., A stredni Evropa., Schrijver: Masaryk, T.G. € 39,00
Stadtplan - A street map of San Diego metropolitan area., A street map of San Diego metropolitan area., Schrijver: Stadtplan € 4,00
Doyle, Arthur Conan - A study in scarlet. The hound of the Baskervilles., A study in scarlet. The hound of the Baskervilles., Schrijver: Doyle, Arthur Conan € 6,00
Andren, Signe - A study in the value of antibiotic and chemotherapeurtic agents in chronic diseases of the eye. ., A study in the value of antibiotic and chemotherapeurtic agents in chronic diseases of the eye. ., Schrijver: Andren, Signe € 4,00
Hamill, G. S., D.M. Jacobowitz - A study of afferent projections to the rat interpeduncular nucleus., A study of afferent projections to the rat interpeduncular nucleus., Schrijver: Hamill, G. S., D.M. Jacobowitz € 4,00
Loos, Hermann A. - A study of colophony resin., A study of colophony resin., Schrijver: Loos, Hermann A. € 39,00
Bailey, P., A. O. Tsui, N. Janowitz, R. Diminik  L. Auaujo - A study of infant mortality and causes of death in a rural north-east Brazilian community., A study of infant mortality and causes of death in a rural north-east Brazilian community., Schrijver: Bailey, P., A. O. Tsui, N. Janowitz, R. Diminik L. Auaujo € 6,00
DeFelipe, J. - A study of NADPH diaphorase-positive axonal plexuses in the humn temporal cortex A study of NADPH diaphorase-positive axonal plexuses in the humn temporal cortex Schrijver: DeFelipe, J. € 4,00
DE FELIPE, J., - A study of NADPH diaphorase-positive axonal plexuses in the human temporal cortex. A study of NADPH diaphorase-positive axonal plexuses in the human temporal cortex. Schrijver: DE FELIPE, J., € 4,00
Glatzer, Nahum Norbert - A study of talmudic interpretation of prophecy., A study of talmudic interpretation of prophecy., Schrijver: Glatzer, Nahum Norbert € 4,00
Edwards, D.J. - A study of the anatomy and the vasomotor phenomena of the sympathetic nervous system in the turtle., A study of the anatomy and the vasomotor phenomena of the sympathetic nervous system in the turtle., Schrijver: Edwards, D.J. € 4,00
FRONTERA, J. G., - A study of the anuran diencephalon A study of the anuran diencephalon Schrijver: FRONTERA, J. G., € 4,00
DUBOVY, P., - A study of the dipeptidylpeptidase IV activity in cat fungiform papillae. Light and electron microscope histochemistry. A study of the dipeptidylpeptidase IV activity in cat fungiform papillae. Light and electron microscope histochemistry. Schrijver: DUBOVY, P., € 4,00
Wiederhold, Michael Lewis - A Study of the Efferent Inhibition of Auditory Nerve Activity. A Study of the Efferent Inhibition of Auditory Nerve Activity. Schrijver: Wiederhold, Michael Lewis € 4,00
KITAMURA, S., Sakai, A., - A study of the localization of the Sternocleidomastoid and Trapezius motoneurons in the rat by means of the HRP method. A study of the localization of the Sternocleidomastoid and Trapezius motoneurons in the rat by means of the HRP method. Schrijver: KITAMURA, S., Sakai, A., € 4,00
KINDER, E. P., - A study of the nest-building activity of the albino rat. A study of the nest-building activity of the albino rat. Schrijver: KINDER, E. P., € 5,00
Wassermann, W.J.,  Y. Masui - A study on gonatrotropin action in the induction of oocyte maturation in Xenopus laevis., A study on gonatrotropin action in the induction of oocyte maturation in Xenopus laevis., Schrijver: Wassermann, W.J., Y. Masui € 4,00
Van Haesendonck, E.  K Missotten - A subgroup of bipolar cells in human retina is GABA immunoreactive A subgroup of bipolar cells in human retina is GABA immunoreactive Schrijver: Van Haesendonck, E. K Missotten € 4,00
UEYAMA, T-., Houtani, T., Nakagawa, H., Baba, K., Ikeda, M., Yamashita, T., Sugimoto, T., - A subpopulation of olivocerebellar projection neurons express neuropeptide Y., A subpopulation of olivocerebellar projection neurons express neuropeptide Y., Schrijver: UEYAMA, T-., Houtani, T., Nakagawa, H., Baba, K., Ikeda, M., Yamashita, T., Sugimoto, T., € 4,00
Hajnis, K.  L. G. Farkas - A suggested method of enthropometric investigation of cheiloschisis, gnathochisis and palatochisis. A suggested method of enthropometric investigation of cheiloschisis, gnathochisis and palatochisis. Schrijver: Hajnis, K. L. G. Farkas € 4,00
Schmitz, Albert  Edith Schmitz - A summer night in London and other stories., A summer night in London and other stories., Schrijver: Schmitz, Albert Edith Schmitz € 4,00
Stow, Iohn - A Survay of London. Containing the Originali, Antiquity, Increase, modern Estate, and Description of that Citie, written in the Year 1598. H. Morley (Ed.)., A Survay of London. Containing the Originali, Antiquity, Increase, modern Estate, and Description of that Citie, written in the Year 1598. H. Morley (Ed.)., Schrijver: Stow, Iohn € 36,00
Dean, Mildred Waters - A system of six rectangular biquadratics., A system of six rectangular biquadratics., Schrijver: Dean, Mildred Waters € 10,00
Balzac, Honore de - A szamatbor., A szamatbor., Schrijver: Balzac, Honore de € 4,00