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Er worden maximaal 10000 titles weergegeven.
Titel Prijs
Briggs, Martin S. - A pictorial guide to Cathedral Architecure. A pictorial guide to Cathedral Architecure. Schrijver: Briggs, Martin S. € 16,00
Gladwin, D.D. - A pictorial history of Canals., A pictorial history of Canals., Schrijver: Gladwin, D.D. € 4,00
Anonymus - A pictorial history of the Jewish people., A pictorial history of the Jewish people., Schrijver: Anonymus € 4,00
Anonymus - A pictorial tour of California, The golden State., A pictorial tour of California, The golden State., Schrijver: Anonymus € 4,00
Joyce, James - A portrait of the artist as a young man., A portrait of the artist as a young man., Schrijver: Joyce, James € 4,00
Sherlock, William - A practical discourse concerning death. A practical discourse concerning death. Schrijver: Sherlock, William € 62,00
Thomson, A. J.,  A, V. Martinet - A practical english grammar. A practical english grammar. Schrijver: Thomson, A. J., A, V. Martinet € 4,00
Thomson, A.J  A. V.Martinet - A practical English grammar., A practical English grammar., Schrijver: Thomson, A.J A. V.Martinet € 16,00
Hall, Calvin - A primer of Freudian Psychology, A primer of Freudian Psychology, Schrijver: Hall, Calvin € 4,00
Claux, Jean-Michel - A propos d un cas de strabisme concomitant aigu., psychogene chez un enfant de onze ans., A propos d un cas de strabisme concomitant aigu., psychogene chez un enfant de onze ans., Schrijver: Claux, Jean-Michel € 16,00
Michel, Aime - A propos des soucoupes volantes. Mysterieux objets celestes., A propos des soucoupes volantes. Mysterieux objets celestes., Schrijver: Michel, Aime € 16,00
Flynn, Raymond - A public body. A public body. Schrijver: Flynn, Raymond € 4,00
PATRICKSON, J. W., Bryant,  H. J., Kaderkaro, M., Kutyna, F. A., - A quantitative 14C -2-deoxy-D-glucose stufy of brain stem nuclei during horiziontal nystagmus by lesioning the lateral crista ampullaris of the rat., A quantitative 14C -2-deoxy-D-glucose stufy of brain stem nuclei during horiziontal nystagmus by lesioning the lateral crista ampullaris of the rat., Schrijver: PATRICKSON, J. W., Bryant, H. J., Kaderkaro, M., Kutyna, F. A., € 4,00
DARDENNES, R., Jarreau, P. H., Meininger, V. , - A quantitative golgi analysis of the postnatal maturation of dendrites in the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus of the rat. A quantitative golgi analysis of the postnatal maturation of dendrites in the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus of the rat. Schrijver: DARDENNES, R., Jarreau, P. H., Meininger, V. , € 4,00
Hahnert, William F. - A quantitative study of reactions to electricity in Amoeba proteus., A quantitative study of reactions to electricity in Amoeba proteus., Schrijver: Hahnert, William F. € 16,00
PIRKE, K. M., Geiss, M., Sintermann, R. - , A quantitative study on feeback control of LH by testosterone in young and old male rats. , A quantitative study on feeback control of LH by testosterone in young and old male rats. Schrijver: PIRKE, K. M., Geiss, M., Sintermann, R. € 4,00
Rankin, Ian - A question of blood., A question of blood., Schrijver: Rankin, Ian € 4,00
Barwell, Eve - A quoi jouer?. 51 jeux de tous genres. A quoi jouer?. 51 jeux de tous genres. Schrijver: Barwell, Eve € 4,00
Leon, Vicki - A raft of Sea otters. An affectionate portrait., A raft of Sea otters. An affectionate portrait., Schrijver: Leon, Vicki € 14,00
KEENAN, R. W., Jones, M. - , A rapid and simple microprocedure for myelin isolation. , A rapid and simple microprocedure for myelin isolation. Schrijver: KEENAN, R. W., Jones, M. € 4,00
MCDANIEL, W. F., Tucker, J. C., - A rapid technique for visualizing cerebral arteries in rat. A rapid technique for visualizing cerebral arteries in rat. Schrijver: MCDANIEL, W. F., Tucker, J. C., € 4,00
Lindberg, David C. - A reconsideration of Roger Bacon s theory of pinhole images., A reconsideration of Roger Bacon s theory of pinhole images., Schrijver: Lindberg, David C. € 4,00
Di Chiara, G., M. Morelli, . A. Imperato  M. L. Porceddu - A re-evaluation of the role of the superior colliculus in turning behaviour., A re-evaluation of the role of the superior colliculus in turning behaviour., Schrijver: Di Chiara, G., M. Morelli, . A. Imperato M. L. Porceddu € 6,00
Magyar, Balint - A rendszervaltas programja., SZDSZ., A rendszervaltas programja., SZDSZ., Schrijver: Magyar, Balint € 4,00
BATTAGLIA,  G-.Lizier, C., Colacitti, C-., Princivalle, A., Spreafico, R., - A retinoreticular commissural pathway in the rat thalamus. A retinoreticular commissural pathway in the rat thalamus. Schrijver: BATTAGLIA, G-.Lizier, C., Colacitti, C-., Princivalle, A., Spreafico, R., € 4,00
Sterner, M. R., E. A. Fox & T. T. Powley - A retrograd tracer strategy using true blue to label the preganglionic parasympathetic innervation of the abdominal viscera. A retrograd tracer strategy using true blue to label the preganglionic parasympathetic innervation of the abdominal viscera. Schrijver: Sterner, M. R., E. A. Fox & T. T. Powley € 4,00
Kokoschka, Oskar. - A retrospective exhibition of paintings, drawings, lithographs, stage designs and books, organized by the Arts Council of Great Britain. Tate Gallery 1962 A retrospective exhibition of paintings, drawings, lithographs, stage designs and books, organized by the Arts Council of Great Britain. Tate Gallery 1962 Schrijver: Kokoschka, Oskar. € 8,00
Singh, K., Y. F., Fiong  S. S. Ratnam - A reversal of fertility trends in Singapore., ., A reversal of fertility trends in Singapore., ., Schrijver: Singh, K., Y. F., Fiong S. S. Ratnam € 4,00
KASAMATSU, T., - A role for the central norepinephrine system in regulation of neuronal plasticity in cat visual cortex. A role for the central norepinephrine system in regulation of neuronal plasticity in cat visual cortex. Schrijver: KASAMATSU, T., € 4,00
Queen, Ellery - A room to die in., A room to die in., Schrijver: Queen, Ellery € 14,00
Levey, Michael - A Room-to-Room Guide to the National Gallery. A Room-to-Room Guide to the National Gallery. Schrijver: Levey, Michael € 4,00
Polonsky, Abraham - A season of fear A season of fear Schrijver: Polonsky, Abraham € 26,00
BOLAN, J., Somogyi, P., Totterdell, S., Smith, D. A., - A second type of striatonigral neuron. A comparison between retrogradely labelled  and golgi-stained neurons at the light and electron microscopic level. A second type of striatonigral neuron. A comparison between retrogradely labelled and golgi-stained neurons at the light and electron microscopic level. Schrijver: BOLAN, J., Somogyi, P., Totterdell, S., Smith, D. A., € 4,00
BOLAM, J. P., P. Somogyi, S. Totterdell  A.D. Smith - A second type of stritonigral neuron. A comparison between retrograeely labelled and Golgi-stained neurons in the light and electron microscopic leve.s, A second type of stritonigral neuron. A comparison between retrograeely labelled and Golgi-stained neurons in the light and electron microscopic leve.s, Schrijver: BOLAM, J. P., P. Somogyi, S. Totterdell A.D. Smith € 4,00
PUELLES, L. - A segmental morphological paradigm for understanding veretebrate forebrains. A segmental morphological paradigm for understanding veretebrate forebrains. Schrijver: PUELLES, L. € 4,00
Shapiro, David - A select bibliography of works in English on Russian history 1801-1917. A select bibliography of works in English on Russian history 1801-1917. Schrijver: Shapiro, David € 16,00
Fraser, F.J. - A selective stain for mitotic figures particularly in the developing brain. A selective stain for mitotic figures particularly in the developing brain. Schrijver: Fraser, F.J. € 4,00
GIBSON, A. R., Hansman, D. I., Houk, J. C., Robinson, F. R.-, - A sensitive low artefact TMB procedure for the demonstration of WGA-HRP in the CNS. A sensitive low artefact TMB procedure for the demonstration of WGA-HRP in the CNS. Schrijver: GIBSON, A. R., Hansman, D. I., Houk, J. C., Robinson, F. R.-, € 4,00
Sterne, Laurence - A sentimental journey  through France & Italy. A sentimental journey through France & Italy. Schrijver: Sterne, Laurence € 16,00
Sterne, Laurence - A sentimental journey  through France and Italy by Mr Yorick, With an account of the author s live,, Continued by Eugenius,  I-IV. A sentimental journey through France and Italy by Mr Yorick, With an account of the author s live,, Continued by Eugenius, I-IV. Schrijver: Sterne, Laurence € 262,00
Sterne, Laurence - A sentimental journey  through France and Italy. With Illustrations by M. Leloir. A sentimental journey through France and Italy. With Illustrations by M. Leloir. Schrijver: Sterne, Laurence € 36,00
Sterne, Laurence - A sentimental Journey. Illustrations by Maurice Leloir. A sentimental Journey. Illustrations by Maurice Leloir. Schrijver: Sterne, Laurence € 22,00
Sterne, Laurence - A sentimental journey through France and Italy by Mr. Yorick. A sentimental journey through France and Italy by Mr. Yorick. Schrijver: Sterne, Laurence € 212,00
Sterne, Laurence - A sentimental journey through France and Italy. Illustrations by T, H.Robinson., A sentimental journey through France and Italy. Illustrations by T, H.Robinson., Schrijver: Sterne, Laurence € 39,00
Sterne, Laurence - A sentimental journey through France and Italy. Letters and Sermons., A sentimental journey through France and Italy. Letters and Sermons., Schrijver: Sterne, Laurence € 36,00
Sterne, Laurence - A sentimental journey through France and Italy. With decorations by Norah Mc Guinness. A sentimental journey through France and Italy. With decorations by Norah Mc Guinness. Schrijver: Sterne, Laurence € 36,00
Sterne, Laurence - A sentimental Journey through France and Italy. With Illustrations by T. H. Robinson, A sentimental Journey through France and Italy. With Illustrations by T. H. Robinson, Schrijver: Sterne, Laurence € 36,00
Sterne, Laurence - A sentimental journeyFrance and Italy. By Mr. Yorick. Adorned with plates., A sentimental journeyFrance and Italy. By Mr. Yorick. Adorned with plates., Schrijver: Sterne, Laurence € 62,00
Cousin, John W. - A short biographical Dictionary of English Literature. A short biographical Dictionary of English Literature. Schrijver: Cousin, John W. € 9,00
Sachs, Rudolf - A short course in commercial correspondence. / Kurzlehrgang der modernen englischen Handelskorrespondenz. A short course in commercial correspondence. / Kurzlehrgang der modernen englischen Handelskorrespondenz. Schrijver: Sachs, Rudolf € 4,00