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Er worden maximaal 10000 titles weergegeven.
Titel Prijs
Hoogland, P.V., A. Vandeerkrans, F. F. Koole  H. J. Grienewegen - A direct projection from the nucleus oculomotorius to the retina in rats., A direct projection from the nucleus oculomotorius to the retina in rats., Schrijver: Hoogland, P.V., A. Vandeerkrans, F. F. Koole H. J. Grienewegen € 4,00
SHEN, H., Semba, K. , - A direct retinal projection to the dorsal raphe nucleus in the rat. A direct retinal projection to the dorsal raphe nucleus in the rat. Schrijver: SHEN, H., Semba, K. , € 4,00
Musset, Alfred de - A door must be either open or shut. Ilustrated by Alistair Grant. A door must be either open or shut. Ilustrated by Alistair Grant. Schrijver: Musset, Alfred de € 4,00
KOSINSKI, R. J., Lee, H. S., , Mihailoff, G. A., - A double retrograde fluorescent tracing analyis of dorsal column nuclear projections to the basilar pontine nuclei, thalamus, and superior colliculus in the rat. A double retrograde fluorescent tracing analyis of dorsal column nuclear projections to the basilar pontine nuclei, thalamus, and superior colliculus in the rat. Schrijver: KOSINSKI, R. J., Lee, H. S., , Mihailoff, G. A., € 4,00
TRUCCO, C., Rolli, V., Iliver, F. J., Flatter, E., Masson, M., Dantzer, F., Niedergang, C., Dutrollaux, B., Murcia,  M. J., de, Murcia, G. de - A dual approach in the study of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase. In vitro random mutagenesis and generation of deficient mice. A dual approach in the study of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase. In vitro random mutagenesis and generation of deficient mice. Schrijver: TRUCCO, C., Rolli, V., Iliver, F. J., Flatter, E., Masson, M., Dantzer, F., Niedergang, C., Dutrollaux, B., Murcia, M. J., de, Murcia, G. de € 4,00
MIKKELSEN, J. F., Larsen, P. J., Sorensen, G. G., Woldbye, D., Bolwig, T. G., Hastings, M. H., Ebling, F-. J. P., - A dual immunocytochemical method to localize c-fos protein in specific neurons based on their content of neuropeptides and connectivity. A dual immunocytochemical method to localize c-fos protein in specific neurons based on their content of neuropeptides and connectivity. Schrijver: MIKKELSEN, J. F., Larsen, P. J., Sorensen, G. G., Woldbye, D., Bolwig, T. G., Hastings, M. H., Ebling, F-. J. P., € 4,00
Bernhard, Virginia - A durable Fire. A durable Fire. Schrijver: Bernhard, Virginia € 4,00
Whibley, Charles (Ed.) - A facsimile reproduction of a unique catalogue of Laurence Sterne's Library. A facsimile reproduction of a unique catalogue of Laurence Sterne's Library. Schrijver: Whibley, Charles (Ed.) € 82,00
Hemingway, Ernest - A farewell to arms. A farewell to arms. Schrijver: Hemingway, Ernest € 7,00
MANES, M. E., Nieto, O. L., - A fast and reliable celloidin-paraffin embedding technique for yolked amphibian embryos., A fast and reliable celloidin-paraffin embedding technique for yolked amphibian embryos., Schrijver: MANES, M. E., Nieto, O. L., € 4,00
Grabowski, Jan - A fekete Baranyka., A fekete Baranyka., Schrijver: Grabowski, Jan € 4,00
McNally, J. - A first ladybird key words picture dictionary., A first ladybird key words picture dictionary., Schrijver: McNally, J. € 7,00
Nelson, Thomas - A first workbook for English., Based on the pocket book English through pictures., A first workbook for English., Based on the pocket book English through pictures., Schrijver: Nelson, Thomas € 9,00
Uehara, F., N. Ohba, Y. Nakashima, T. Yanagita, N. Ozawa  T. Muramatsu - A fixative suitable for in situ hybridization histochemistry. A fixative suitable for in situ hybridization histochemistry. Schrijver: Uehara, F., N. Ohba, Y. Nakashima, T. Yanagita, N. Ozawa T. Muramatsu € 4,00
Woolley, Leonard - A forgotten kingdom., Excavatios of two mounds, atchana and Al Mina in the turkish Hatay., A forgotten kingdom., Excavatios of two mounds, atchana and Al Mina in the turkish Hatay., Schrijver: Woolley, Leonard € 7,00
Morgan, Charles - A forras. (The fountain)., A forras. (The fountain)., Schrijver: Morgan, Charles € 4,00
Czelvikker, Katalin, Desi Agnes, Kaposi Tamasne, Staub Valeria - A francia nyelvvizsga abeceje. A francia nyelvvizsga abeceje. Schrijver: Czelvikker, Katalin, Desi Agnes, Kaposi Tamasne, Staub Valeria € 4,00
Saito, Kogagu  Kiyoshi Hama - A freeze.-fracture study  of afferent and efferent synapses of hair cells in the sensory epithelium of the organ of Corti in the guinea pig., A freeze.-fracture study of afferent and efferent synapses of hair cells in the sensory epithelium of the organ of Corti in the guinea pig., Schrijver: Saito, Kogagu Kiyoshi Hama € 4,00
Hajnoczy, Peter - A fütö , M. A halal kilovagolt Perzsiabol . Jezus menyasszonya Hatrahagyott irasok., A fütö , M. A halal kilovagolt Perzsiabol . Jezus menyasszonya Hatrahagyott irasok., Schrijver: Hajnoczy, Peter € 4,00
LOPES DA SILVA, F. H., Arnolds, E. E. A. T., Neijt, H. C., - A functional link between the limbic cortex and ventral striatum. Physiology of the subiculum accumbens pathway. A functional link between the limbic cortex and ventral striatum. Physiology of the subiculum accumbens pathway. Schrijver: LOPES DA SILVA, F. H., Arnolds, E. E. A. T., Neijt, H. C., € 4,00
Chittenden, R.H., L.B.Mendel  H. C.Jackson - A further study of the influence of alcohol and alcoholic drinks upon digestion, with special reference to secretion, A further study of the influence of alcohol and alcoholic drinks upon digestion, with special reference to secretion, Schrijver: Chittenden, R.H., L.B.Mendel H. C.Jackson € 6,00
Mauss, Marcel - A general theory of Magic., A general theory of Magic., Schrijver: Mauss, Marcel € 16,00
Landry, Aubrey E. - A geometrical application of  binary syzygies., A geometrical application of binary syzygies., Schrijver: Landry, Aubrey E. € 7,00
Taylor, Ronald  Walter Gottschalk - A German- English Dictionary of Idioms. Idiomatic and Figurative German Expressions with English Translations., A German- English Dictionary of Idioms. Idiomatic and Figurative German Expressions with English Translations., Schrijver: Taylor, Ronald Walter Gottschalk € 9,00
Griffith, Harry C. - A Gift of Light. A collections of Thoughts from Father Andrew. A Gift of Light. A collections of Thoughts from Father Andrew. Schrijver: Griffith, Harry C. € 7,00
PERCHERON, G., Yelnik, J., Francois. C. - , A Golgi anaylsis of the Primate globus pallidus. III. spatial organization of the striato-pallidal complex. , A Golgi anaylsis of the Primate globus pallidus. III. spatial organization of the striato-pallidal complex. Schrijver: PERCHERON, G., Yelnik, J., Francois. C. € 4,00
CHOI, B. H., Kudo, M., Lapham, L. W. , - A Golgi and electron microscopic study of cerebellum in Methylmercury-poisoned neonatal mice. A Golgi and electron microscopic study of cerebellum in Methylmercury-poisoned neonatal mice. Schrijver: CHOI, B. H., Kudo, M., Lapham, L. W. , € 4,00
Puelles, Luis - A Golgi study of oculomotor neuroblasts migration across the  midline in chick embryos., A Golgi study of oculomotor neuroblasts migration across the midline in chick embryos., Schrijver: Puelles, Luis € 4,00
Halsey, Simon - A Gospel Christmas. Spirituals for the festive season., A Gospel Christmas. Spirituals for the festive season., Schrijver: Halsey, Simon € 4,00
Palmer, Harold E. - A grammar of english words., A grammar of english words., Schrijver: Palmer, Harold E. € 10,00
Mackin, Ronald  John Eastwood - A Grammar of spoken English., A Grammar of spoken English., Schrijver: Mackin, Ronald John Eastwood € 6,00
Palmer, Harold  E.  F. G. Blandford - A grammar of spoken English., A grammar of spoken English., Schrijver: Palmer, Harold E. F. G. Blandford € 9,00
Jackson, T. A. - A great Socialist   Frederick Engels., A great Socialist Frederick Engels., Schrijver: Jackson, T. A. € 9,00
Röcke, Lisa - A guats neis Jahr. Heiteres und Besinnliches zur Jahreswende., A guats neis Jahr. Heiteres und Besinnliches zur Jahreswende., Schrijver: Röcke, Lisa € 4,00
Squire, Normann - A guide to Bridge conventions A guide to Bridge conventions Schrijver: Squire, Normann € 13,00
Dutcher, George Matthew, H.R. Shipman, S. B. Fay, A H. Shearer  W. H. Allison (Eds.) - A guide to historical literature., A guide to historical literature., Schrijver: Dutcher, George Matthew, H.R. Shipman, S. B. Fay, A H. Shearer W. H. Allison (Eds.) € 12,00
Teder, I. - A guide to the Applied Art Museum in Tallin., A guide to the Applied Art Museum in Tallin., Schrijver: Teder, I. € 6,00
Platon, Nikolaus - A guide to the Archeological Museum of Heraclion. A guide to the Archeological Museum of Heraclion. Schrijver: Platon, Nikolaus € 6,00
Neugebauer, Judith - A guide to the properties and uses of detergents., A guide to the properties and uses of detergents., Schrijver: Neugebauer, Judith € 7,00
Bezruchka, Stephen - A guide to trekking in Nepal. A guide to trekking in Nepal. Schrijver: Bezruchka, Stephen € 7,00
Chandler, Raymond - A gyöngy bajjal jar., A gyöngy bajjal jar., Schrijver: Chandler, Raymond € 4,00
Vavyan, Fable - A halkiralynö es a kommando., A halkiralynö es a kommando., Schrijver: Vavyan, Fable € 4,00
Gardner, Erle Stanley - A hazmester macskajanak esete. A hazmester macskajanak esete. Schrijver: Gardner, Erle Stanley € 6,00
JOCHEM, W. J., Light, A.R-.. Smith, D-., - A high voltage electrometer for recording and iontophoresis with fine-tipped , high resisteance microelectrodes. A high voltage electrometer for recording and iontophoresis with fine-tipped , high resisteance microelectrodes. Schrijver: JOCHEM, W. J., Light, A.R-.. Smith, D-., € 4,00
Lewis, Patrick J. - A Hippopotamusn t and other animal verses. Pictures by Victoria Chess. A Hippopotamusn t and other animal verses. Pictures by Victoria Chess. Schrijver: Lewis, Patrick J. € 6,00
SCHOLTZ, C. L., Swerrebhan, K., Brown, A., Mann, D. M. A., - A histoquantitative study of the striate cortex and lateral geniculate body in normal, blind and demented subjects. A histoquantitative study of the striate cortex and lateral geniculate body in normal, blind and demented subjects. Schrijver: SCHOLTZ, C. L., Swerrebhan, K., Brown, A., Mann, D. M. A., € 4,00
Frisch, Ephraim - A historical survey of Jewish philanthrophy., A historical survey of Jewish philanthrophy., Schrijver: Frisch, Ephraim € 36,00
Carr, Edward Hallett - A history of  Soviet Russia. Socialism in one contry. 1924-1926., Vol. III., A history of Soviet Russia. Socialism in one contry. 1924-1926., Vol. III., Schrijver: Carr, Edward Hallett € 29,00
Pelling, Henry - A History of British Trade Unionism. A History of British Trade Unionism. Schrijver: Pelling, Henry € 6,00
Markham - A History of England. For the use of young persons. A History of England. For the use of young persons. Schrijver: Markham € 19,00