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Titel Prijs
 - The Astrological Journal vol. 49(2007)nr. 2 The Astrological Journal vol. 49(2007)nr. 2 Schrijver: € 3,50
 - The Astrological Journal vol. 49(2007) The Astrological Journal vol. 49(2007) Schrijver: € 18,00
 - The Astrological Journal vol. 48(2006) The Astrological Journal vol. 48(2006) Schrijver: € 18,00
 - The Astrological Journal vol. 47(2005) The Astrological Journal vol. 47(2005) Schrijver: € 16,00
 - The Astrological Journal vol. 46(2004) The Astrological Journal vol. 46(2004) Schrijver: € 16,00
 - The Astrological Journal vol. 44(2002) The Astrological Journal vol. 44(2002) Schrijver: € 16,00
 - The Astrological Journal vol. 43(2001) The Astrological Journal vol. 43(2001) Schrijver: € 16,00
 - The Astrological Journal vol. 42(2000) The Astrological Journal vol. 42(2000) Schrijver: € 16,00
 - The Astrological Journal vol. 41(1999)nrs. 1,2,3,4 The Astrological Journal vol. 41(1999)nrs. 1,2,3,4 Schrijver: € 10,00
 - The Astrological Journal vol. 41(1999) The Astrological Journal vol. 41(1999) Schrijver: € 16,00
 - The Astrological Journal vol. 40(1998) The Astrological Journal vol. 40(1998) Schrijver: € 16,00
 - The Astrological Journal vol. 39(1997) The Astrological Journal vol. 39(1997) Schrijver: € 16,00
 - The Astrological Journal vol. 38(1996) The Astrological Journal vol. 38(1996) Schrijver: € 11,00
 - The Astrological Journal vol. 37(1995) The Astrological Journal vol. 37(1995) Schrijver: € 11,00
 - The Astrological Journal vol. 36(1994) The Astrological Journal vol. 36(1994) Schrijver: € 11,00
 - The Astrological Journal vol. 35(1993) The Astrological Journal vol. 35(1993) Schrijver: € 11,00
 - The Astrological Journal vol. 34(1992) The Astrological Journal vol. 34(1992) Schrijver: € 11,00
 - The Astrological Journal vol. 33(1991) The Astrological Journal vol. 33(1991) Schrijver: € 10,00
 - The Astrological Journal vol. 32(1990) The Astrological Journal vol. 32(1990) Schrijver: € 9,00
 - The Astrological Journal vol. 31(1989) The Astrological Journal vol. 31(1989) Schrijver: € 10,00
 - The Astrological Journal vol. 30(1988)4. Special Medical Astrology Issue The Astrological Journal vol. 30(1988)4. Special Medical Astrology Issue Schrijver: € 4,50
 - The Astrological Journal vol. 30(1988) The Astrological Journal vol. 30(1988) Schrijver: € 10,00
 - The Astrological Journal vol. 29(1987) The Astrological Journal vol. 29(1987) Schrijver: € 8,50
 - The Astrological Journal vol. 28(1986) The Astrological Journal vol. 28(1986) Schrijver: € 10,00
 - The Astrological Journal vol. 27(1985) The Astrological Journal vol. 27(1985) Schrijver: € 6,50
 - The Astrological Journal vol. 26(1984) The Astrological Journal vol. 26(1984) Schrijver: € 6,50
 - The Astrological Journal vol. 24(1982), nrs. 3 and 4 The Astrological Journal vol. 24(1982), nrs. 3 and 4 Schrijver: € 4,50
Toen, Donna Van - The Astrologer's Node Book The Astrologer's Node Book Schrijver: Toen, Donna Van € 6,00
Michelsen, Neil F. - The Asteroid Ephemeris 1883-1999 The Asteroid Ephemeris 1883-1999 Schrijver: Michelsen, Neil F. € 10,00
Leo, Alan - The Art of Synthesis The Art of Synthesis Schrijver: Leo, Alan € 15,00
Leo, Alan - The Art of Synthesis The Art of Synthesis Schrijver: Leo, Alan € 10,00
Law, Stephanie Pui-Mun - The art of Shadowscapes Tarot The art of Shadowscapes Tarot Schrijver: Law, Stephanie Pui-Mun € 60,00
Louis, Anthony - The Art of Forecasting using Solar Returns The Art of Forecasting using Solar Returns Schrijver: Louis, Anthony € 20,00
Marks, Tracy - The Art of Chart Interpretation The Art of Chart Interpretation Schrijver: Marks, Tracy € 8,50
Levi - The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ. The philosophic and practical basis of the religion of the aquarian age of the world The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ. The philosophic and practical basis of the religion of the aquarian age of the world Schrijver: Levi € 9,00
Schuré, Edouard - The Ancient Mysteries of the East. Rama/Krishna The Ancient Mysteries of the East. Rama/Krishna Schrijver: Schuré, Edouard € 5,00
Cunlife, Barry - The ancient celts The ancient celts Schrijver: Cunlife, Barry € 13,50
Kakar, Sudhir - The Analyst and the Mystic. Psychoanalytic Reflections on Religion and Mysticism The Analyst and the Mystic. Psychoanalytic Reflections on Religion and Mysticism Schrijver: Kakar, Sudhir € 40,00
Michelsen, Neil F. - The American Sidereal Ephemeris 1976-2000 The American Sidereal Ephemeris 1976-2000 Schrijver: Michelsen, Neil F. € 14,00
Michelsen, Neil F. - The American Ephemeris for the 21st Century, 2000 to 2050 at Midnight. Expanded second edition The American Ephemeris for the 21st Century, 2000 to 2050 at Midnight. Expanded second edition Schrijver: Michelsen, Neil F. € 10,00
Michelsen, Neil F. - The American Ephemeris for the 20th Century, 1900 to 2000 at midnight. Revised edition The American Ephemeris for the 20th Century, 1900 to 2000 at midnight. Revised edition Schrijver: Michelsen, Neil F. € 10,00
Shanks, Thomas G. - The American Atlas. Revised. US Longitudes  Latitudes. Time Changes and Time Zones The American Atlas. Revised. US Longitudes Latitudes. Time Changes and Time Zones Schrijver: Shanks, Thomas G. € 12,00
Moore, Joan - The Amazing Book of Tarot and Card Prediction. Discover how cards can help you to divine the future The Amazing Book of Tarot and Card Prediction. Discover how cards can help you to divine the future Schrijver: Moore, Joan € 6,50
Osei-Ghansah (Amorifer), Kwame - The 13th zodiac (Ophiuchus) and the Galactic Solar System Unveiled The 13th zodiac (Ophiuchus) and the Galactic Solar System Unveiled Schrijver: Osei-Ghansah (Amorifer), Kwame € 7,00
Abbamonte, Mary Francis - The 13th Sign. The Zodiac Has Changed: So Have You - Find Out How and Why The 13th Sign. The Zodiac Has Changed: So Have You - Find Out How and Why Schrijver: Abbamonte, Mary Francis € 10,00
Sitchin, Zecharia - The 12th planet. Book 1 of the Earth Chronicles The 12th planet. Book 1 of the Earth Chronicles Schrijver: Sitchin, Zecharia € 6,50
Gebensang/Liu Lizhong - Thangka Art Thangka Art Schrijver: Gebensang/Liu Lizhong € 30,00
Wells, Kenneth E. - Thai Buddhism, its rites and activities Thai Buddhism, its rites and activities Schrijver: Wells, Kenneth E. € 20,00
Ptolemy, Claudius - Tetrabiblos Book III. Project Hindsight. Greek Track. Volume XII Tetrabiblos Book III. Project Hindsight. Greek Track. Volume XII Schrijver: Ptolemy, Claudius € 14,00
Ptolemy, Claudius - Tetrabiblos Book I. Project Hindsight. Greek Track. Volume V Tetrabiblos Book I. Project Hindsight. Greek Track. Volume V Schrijver: Ptolemy, Claudius € 14,00