A Concise History of Buddhist Art in Siam
Schrijver: Le May, Reginald
Charles E. Tuttle Company, Rutland, Tokyo, 1963, 2nd editon, with revisions and several plates replaced.
8vo, gilt decorated cloth, no d.j., xxiii, 169 pp. 205 ills in b/w, 2 folding maps, fine copy
€ 55,00
A Dissertation on the Nature and Character of the Chinese System of Writing, in a letter to John Vaughan etc.
Schrijver: Ponceau, Peter S. du
The American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, 1838
Boards, 375 pp. + 10 p. lithogr. characters(333) of the cochinchinese language
€ 375,00
Antiquarian Books A Companion for booksellers, librarians and collectors
Schrijver: Bernard, Philippa e.a.
Scholar Press, Aldershot
1994. Geb.461 pag., illustr.
€ 75,00
Beschrijvinge van de Oostindische Compagnie, vierde boek
Schrijver: Dam, Pieter van/ Van Boetzelaer
Martinus Nijhoff, `s-Gravenhage
1954. Geb.306 pag. Rijks geschiedkundige Publicatiën, grote serie 96
€ 60,00
Bâton-Rouge - frontispice de J.E. Laboureur
Schrijver: Morand, Paul
A.A.M. Stols, Maestricht
1928, édition originale, limitée, un des 400 exemplaires sur papier vélin anglais, 48 pp., fronti...
€ 125,00
Bulletin van het Kolonial Museum te Haarlem, Bulletin maart 1894: De cultuur der Bamboe in Japan
Schrijver: Polder, Léon van de
Amsterdam, J.H. de Bussy
1894.Pb. 42 pp. 66 ills.
€ 125,00
Ce qu'il faut connaître de Madagascar. Population, Ressources, Commerce, Avenir de l'île
Schrijver: Milne-Edwards, A. e.v.a.
Paul Ollendorf, Paris, n.d. (ca 1900)
Geb. 110 pag. 'avec 93 photographies d'après nature et 9 cartes special'.
€ 95,00
China under the Empress Dowager being the history of the life and times of Tz#365; Hsi
Schrijver: Bland, J.O.P. Backhouse, E.
London, Heinemann
1910, 1ste druk, 525 pp, 31 ills.'Compiled from State papers and the private diary of the comptrolle...
€ 85,00
Chinese Calligraphy Its History and Aesthetic Motivation
Schrijver: Willetts, William
Oxford University Press, Hong Kong
1981, 1st edition, 4to, cloth with d.j., pp 264, 250 ills in b/w, near fine copy
€ 75,00
Chinese Graphic Design in the Twentieth Century
Schrijver: Minnick, Scott Jiao Ping
Thames Hudson, London
1990. 4to, 160 pp. , 285 ills., 150 in kleur
€ 45,00
Cultural Relics of Tibetan Buddhism Collected in the Qing Palace
Schrijver: Wang, Jiapeng
Forbidden City Press/The Woods Publishing Company
1992. Geb. 4to, 151 illus. in kleur.
€ 95,00
From Beijing to Versailles; Artistic Relations between China and France
Schrijver: Desroches, Jean-Paul a.o.
Urban Council, Hong Kong
1997. First edition. Orig. cloth, d.j., 378 pp., 147 pages in colour, 29 x 29 cm, near fine.
€ 115,00
Geschichte der neueren chinesischen philosophie
Schrijver: Forke, Alfred
Friedrichsen, de Gruyter Co, Hamburg.
1938. First edition. Pap., 693 pp. Hansische Universität, Abhandlungen etc. Band 46. Uncut copy, ve...
€ 175,00
Guangdong Ceramics from Butuan and other Philippine sites
Schrijver: Brown, Roxanna M. editor
Oriental Ceramic Society of the Philippines/Oxford University Press
1989, cloth, d.j., 28.5 x 22 cm, pp. 127, numerous ills in col. and b/w, v.g.
€ 70,00
Handwoven Textiles of South-East Asia
Schrijver: Fraser-Lu, Sylvia
Oxford University Press, New York/Singapore, 1989/90
Pap. 4to, 230 pag., 260 illustr. in zwart/wit, 46 in kleur
€ 65,00
Heroes and Ghosts - Japanese prints by Kuniyoshi 1797-1861
Schrijver: Schaap, Robert
Society for Japanese Arts, Bergeyk
1998, Paperback, 28.5 x 28.5 cm, pp. 280, lavishly illustrated, fine copy
€ 110,00
History of Jahangir
Schrijver: Prasad, Beni
Humphrey Milford/Oxford University Press, 1922
Allahabad University Studies in History, volume 1. Geb. 501 pag. 1 kaart
€ 115,00
Japans porselein met blauwe decoraties uit de tweede helft van de zeventiende en de eerste helft van de achttiende eeuw
Schrijver: Lunsingh Scheurleer, D.F.
geen jaartal. Pb, pp 116, 197 ills in zw/wit. Schaars.Verscheen eveneens als mededelingenblad 64/65 ...
€ 65,00
Kashmir; A Holiday in the Happy Valley with pen and pencil
Schrijver: Swinburne, T.R.
London, Smith, Elder Co
1907, 1ste druk, geb., 342 pp. near fine.
€ 85,00
Schrijver: Iki, Eizo
Meiji-Shobo Ltd., Surugadai Kanda Tokyo
Slipcased, black silken chitsu, containing 25 original textile samples, loose as issued, 34 x 26 cm....
€ 295,00
Kunst und Kultur entlang der Seidenstrasse
Schrijver: Franz, H.G.
Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, Graz, 1986
4to, cloth, d.j. 227 pp. 144 ills, partly in colour, as new.
€ 50,00
Les premiers voyages des Néerlandais dans l'Insulinde (1595-1602)
Schrijver: Bonaparte, Prince Roland
Imprimerie de E. Aubert, Versailles, 1884
Geb. 39 pp. 1 kaart. Extrait de la 'Revue de Géographie'.
€ 95,00
Pañji, the Culture Hero. A structural study of religion in Java
Schrijver: Rassers, Dr. W.H.
Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1959
KITLV translations series 3. Includes 'On the Javanese Kris' Geb. 297 pag. VII plates.
€ 60,00
Patterns and Poetry: N#333; Robes from the Lucy Truman Aldrich Collection at the Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design
Schrijver: Anderson Hay, Susan
Rhode Island School of Design, Providence
1992, 4to, Pb, als nieuw
€ 45,00
Peking North China, South Manchuria and Korea, with Maps, Plans and Illustrations
Schrijver: Cook, Thos Son
Thos. Cook Son, London
1920. Fourth edition, green cloth, 161 pp, 3 fold-out maps (1 map loosening).
€ 75,00
rien que la terre - Illustrations de Pierre Falké
Schrijver: Morand, Paul
Éditions du Nord, Bruxelles
1929, un des 1000 exemplaires sur papier vélin pur fil, 284 pp., ills en couleur.
€ 100,00
Sian: A Coup d'État - A Fortnight in Sian: Extracts from a Diary
Schrijver: Soong Chiang, Mayling Kai-Shek, Chiang
The China Publishing Company, Shanghai, 1938, first edition, Seventh Impression
8vo, Gilt decorated Chinese style silk binding, 119 pp., handmade bamboo paper, near fine copy
€ 55,00
Sukhothai Its History, Culture, and Art
Schrijver: Gosling, Betty
Oxford University Press, Singapore, 1991
4to, geb. 123 pp., 87 ills, 24 in kleur
€ 30,00
Textiles and the Tai Experience in Southeast Asia
Schrijver: Gittinger, M Lefferts, H. Leedom Jr.
The Textile Museum, Washington, 1992
Pap. 4to, 264 pag., rijkgeïllustr.
€ 45,00
The Chinese in Malaya
Schrijver: Purcell, Victor
London, Oxford University Press
1948, geb. 327 pp. 2 kaarten
€ 45,00
The Chinese Opium Wars
Schrijver: Beeching, Jack
Hutchinson, London, 1975. 1ste druk
Geb. stofomslag, 351 pag., 37 ills.
€ 45,00
The Chinese Spirit Road; The classical tradition of stone tomb statuary.
Schrijver: Paludan, Ann
Yale University Press, New Haven London, 1991
Gebonden, stofomslag, 290 pag. 296 ills, 21 in kleur
€ 80,00
The Diaghilev-Lifar Library
Schrijver: Sotheby Parke Bernet
Sotheby Parke Bernet, Monaco
1975, decorated boards, pp 217, near fine copy with results, bidding slip and corrigenda.
€ 55,00
The Diary of His Excellency Ching-shan
Schrijver: Duyvendak, J. J. L.
E.J. Brill, Lugduni Batavorum
1924, 1st edition, pap, English text: pp VIII, 85, Chinese text: pp 48, uncut copy
€ 325,00
The Porcelains of Jingdezhen
Schrijver: Scott, Rosemary E.(Edit.)
Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art, London
1993, Colloquies on Art Archaeology in Asia No. 16, 4to, pp. 256, num. ills in b/w., near fine copy
€ 90,00
The Quest for Cathay
Schrijver: Sykes, Percy
A. C. Black, London
1936. 1ste druk, geb. 279 pag. 16 ills.en 9 kaarten. Geplastificeerd.
€ 45,00
Transporte de Guerra 'Pero de Alenquer' Relatório da Viagem ao Extremo Oriente 1927-1928
Schrijver: Freitas Morna, Alvaro de
Imprensa da Armada, Lisboa 1931
8vo, orig. wrappers, 186 pp., folding map, 39 p. photographs in b/w, with a handwritten dedication f...
€ 125,00
Trésors de Mongolie XVIIe - XIXe siècles
Schrijver: Aubin, Françoise e.a.
Réunion des Musées Nationaux
1993. Pap. 4to, 263 pag. Rijk geïllustreerd.
€ 85,00