
Thy Father's Instruction. Reading the Nuremberg Miscellany as Jewish Cultural History (Studia Judaica, 79)




Berlin, De Gruyter, 2022


81,75(Excl. verzendkosten)


XXII, 615 pp. Illustrated. Fine copy. Hardcover.

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Hebrew Manuscripts (end 16th century). The complete Nuremberg Miscellany is reproduced in the appendix of this book. The Nuremberg Miscellany [Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nürnberg, Bibliothek, 8° Hs. 7058 (Rl. 203)] is a unique work of scribal art and illumination. Its costly parchment leaves are richly adorned and illustrated with multicolour paint and powdered gold. It was penned and illustrated in southern Germany, probably Swabia, in 1589 and is signed by a certain Eliezer b. Mordechai the Martyr. The iconography of the Nuremberg Miscellany, with its 55 decorated leaves, featuring 25 text illustrations, falls into two main categories: biblical themes, and depictions of daily life, both sacred and mundane. While the biblical illustrations rely largely on artistic rendering and interpretation of texts, the depictions of daily life are founded mainly on current furnishings and accoutrements in Jewish homes. The customs and rituals portrayed in the miscellany attest not only to the local Jewish Minhag, but also to the influence and adaptation of local Germanic or Christian rites. They thus offer first-hand insights to the interrelations between the Jews and their neighbors. Examined as historical documents, the images in the Nuremberg Miscellany are an invaluable resource for reconstructing Jewish daily life in Ashkenaz in the early modern period. In a period from which only scanty relics of Jewish material culture have survived, retrieving the pictorial data from images inco
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