
African Canvas / The Art of West African Women






Rizzoli International Publications




1990, 204pp, Gebonden met stofomslag, 29 x 29 cm

Meer info
Far from the influences of the Western world, there are peoples of West Africa who still live in the traditional way-a way of life passed from one generation to the next. In these remote areas distinct building traditions have produced visually striking vernacular architecture and decoration.
Each year after the harvest, West African women gather to restore and paint their mud dwellings which have been washed clean by the relentless rains of the wet season. With their hands as brushes and the walls as their canvas, the women set about creating an art whose composition, technique, and treatment of color is as dynamic as that of any Western painting. Enhancing an otherwise harsh landscape, the art form is purely indigenous, from the mud used to build the walls to the natural earth pigments and plants gathered to make the colors. The motifs and patterns that adorn the walls are a reflection of the lives of these women, illustrating their communal spirit and how they see the world around them.

African Canvas provides a glimpse into the homes of these very proud and dignified people. Over a period of three years, photojournalist Margaret Courtney-Clarke traveled through Nigeria, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Mauritania, and Mali. The paths she chose were not easily accessible and the risks taken were often life-
threatening, but the rewards are self-evident. She was allowed to enter the worlds of diverse ethnic groups scattered throughout these countries and to document the various painted arts: the walls, pottery, and painted cloth.

Often lasting but a season, the painted walls are not transportable and will not be found in museums and galleries. This book offers testament to this noble art, and to the artists and their lifestyle which gradually is merging with that of the West, soon to disappear forever.
Courtney-Clarke, Margaret - African Canvas / The Art of West African Women
Courtney-Clarke, Margaret - African Canvas / The Art of West African Women
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