
Galactic Soul History of the Universe






Rising Phoenix Aurora Inc.


24,00(Excl. verzendkosten)


2020, paperback, 736 pagina's, in goede staat.

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A THOUGHT PROVOKING AND HEART ACTIVATING BOOK, which takes readers on a magnificent journey to explore the infinite beauty of Creation!
In this timeless book, Galactic Soul History of the Universe presents 34 first-hand accounts of clients and their inspiring Soul Journeys throughout Creation. These remarkable past-life regression sessions were facilitated using the groundbreaking Angelic Universal Regression Alchemy (A.U.R.A.) Hypnosis Healing technique. Through A.U.R.A., we explore in-depth the experiences of our past, future and current lives meant for our highest healing under the guidance of our Higher Selves. Through these Higher Self aspects, we learn the enlightening truth of our Earth’s History and our Universe. Activating memories within us that lay dormant to be awakened once more for our highest path of individual and collective Ascension. In these Soul Journeys, we will journey through soul remembrance of the Inverted A.I. Matrix, learning to weave through it so that we may graduate and begin operating instead in our organic timelines. Bridging forth the possibility of a fruitful Ascension into the Fifth Dimension or higher.

Through these extraordinary Soul Journeys shared from first-hand A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing sessions in this book, we learn fascinating and in-depth details about:
Our infinite capacity for self-healing, our soul sovereignty and our rebirth
The human soul’s evolution throughout Earth’s History and beyond
Who are the Reptilians and what is their purpose? What are Archons?
Deep State Agenda: Human Trafficking, MK-Ultra, Military Abductions
What is the Inverted A.I. Matrix and how do we graduate from it?
The true construct of the Organic Matrix and sacred knowledge of the Universe
Guidance for the Earth and the Universe’s Ascension: “The Event” and New Earth
The sacredness of Twin Flame Bonds
Galactic Races of the Universe, the Angelics, and the RA Collective
Exclusive channeled sacred knowledge from the Galactics

A.U.R.A. HYPNOSIS HEALING: Using Sacred Angelic Alchemy to connect to the client’s Higher Self, and working with the Archangels and benevolent Galactic Soul family to facilitate the Quantum Healing under the guidance of the Higher Self.
Many experience blockages of energy which do not allow for the deepest possible connection to the Higher Self during hypnosis. This is what sets A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing apart from other Hypnosis past-life regression modalities. Before an A.U.R.A. session begins, the client’s Higher Self in union with the A.U.R.A. practitioner conducts sacred Angelic Energy Work prior to entering the Hypnosis brainwave, thus creating a bridge for the client to connect to their Higher Self at the deepest level possible. Through this sacred energy work, our Higher Self will place us in the highest, safest, sacred vibration that no longer allows what is inorganic within us to remain during the high vibrations of the A.U.R.A. session. If one is unable to connect to our Higher Self to Quantum Heal or if a deeper connection is needed, the Archangels are able to assist, always with the Higher Selves’ permission first, by using their infinite Source Love-Light to strengthen the connection to allow for the healing of the mind, body, and soul during the session. The Archangels are the first fractals of Divine Creator Source; the Elohim angelics individualized out from the collective infinite Consciousness of Source. Therefore, they hold the purest frequencies in Creation, and they are able to assist us in healings in divine ways that align with our Soul’s organic blueprints. Throughout this book, we will read about the infinite beautiful ways the Archangels and benevolent Galactic Soul families always assist all of us throughout the healings shared in all the Galactic Soul Journeys mentioned.
Rising Phoenix Aurora - Galactic Soul History of the Universe
Rising Phoenix Aurora - Galactic Soul History of the Universe
Rising Phoenix Aurora - Galactic Soul History of the Universe
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