
Recent work on Intrinsic Value.




Dordrecht : Springer, c2000. Hardcover. xxxvii,425 pp. 25 cm. (Library of ethics and applied philosophy (LOET), 17). Conditie: als nieuw




Conditie: als nieuw. PHILOSOPHY

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- This book brings together for the first time many of the most important and influential writings on the topic of intrinsic value to have appeared in the last half-century. During this period, inquiry into the nature of intrinsic value has intensified to such an extent that at the moment it is one of the hottest topics in the field of theoretical ethics. The contributions to this volume have been selected in such a way that all of the fundamental questions concerning the nature of intrinsic value are treated in depth and from a variety of viewpoints. These questions include how to understand the concept of intrinsic value, what sorts of things can have intrinsic value, and how to compute intrinsic value. The editors have added an introduction that ties these questions together and places the contributions in context, and they have also provided an extensive bibliography. The result is a comprehensive, balanced, and detailed picture of current thinking about intrinsic value, one that provides an indispensable backdrop against which future writings on the topic may be assessed.
Kloof Antiquariaat Amsterdam


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