
Farwell Recital - Futher Memoirs by Gerald Moore






Hamish Hamilton London


9,50(Excl. verzendkosten)


178 blz. gebonden met omslag

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These are the further memoirs of English pianist Gerald Moore, best known for his work with singers such as Kathleen Ferrier, Elena Gerhardt, John McCormack, Elisabeth Schumann and Maggie Teyte, although he also accompanied instrumentalists such as Pablo Casals, the child prodigy Josef Hassid, and many other renowned musicians. It supplements He did much to raise the status of accompanist to that of an equal artistic partner, both through performances and writing, including his influential 1943 book The Unashamed Accompanist. Moore also lectured and wrote about music, publishing Singer and Accompanist in 1953, his much-admired memoir Am I Too Loud?: Memoirs of An Accompanist in 1962, The Schubert Song Cycles (1975), as well as two other autobiographical volumes, Farewell Recital: Further Memoirs (1978) and Furthermoore (1983). Although he appeared several times as a soloist in his youth and was a splendid interpreter of the duo-sonata literature, he made his most vivid impression in the song repertoire. His reputation was so high that he won the Grand Prix du Disque, usually reserved for outstanding soloists, four times. 'Moore's strength lay not only in the vastness of his repertory,' William S. Mann wrote in the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 'nor even in the beauty of his legato playing, his subtle command of pedaling and his mastery of tone color, but more especially in his chameleonic empathy with every musical partner-whether Casals, Chaliapin or a young debutant recitalist-and his readiness to turn every partnership to musical advantage of a refreshing and inspiriting nature.' At his farewell concert in 1967, he accompanied three of the singers with whom he was long associated: Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Victoria de los Angeles and Elisabeth Schwarzkopf. After his retirement from the recital stage, he continued to record, to teach and to lecture for some years, making his final recording in 1975. --Naxos
Gerald Moore - Farwell Recital - Futher Memoirs by Gerald Moore
De Paukenist Valkenburg ZH


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