
BIBLE AND SWORD. England and Palestine from the Bronze Age to Balfour






Ballantine Books New York 1984


9,95(Excl. verzendkosten)


Softcover, paperback. Garenloos/ gelijmd. Pg's. 412. Conditie: goed, best (expl. het boekblok); het omslag kent spoortjes van gebruik

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'From early times the British people have been drawn to the Holy Land through two major influences:
the translation of the Bible into English and, later, the imperial need to control the road to India and access to the oil of the Middle-East.Under these influences, one cultural and the other political military, countless Englishmen-pilgrims, crusaders, missionaries, merchants, explorers, and surveyors - have pursued their way to the land of the ancient Hebrews.
With the lucidity and vividness that characterize all her work, Barabara Tuchman brings to life the development of these twin motives - the Bible and the Sword - in the consciousness of the British people, until they were finally brought together at the end of World War I when Britain's conquest of Palestine from the Turks and the solemn moment of entering Jerusalem were imminent. Requiring a gesture of matching significance, that event evoked the Balfour Declaration of 1917, establishing a British-sponsored national home for the modern survivors of the people of the Old Testament. In her account, first published in 1856, Mrs. Tuchman demonstrates that the seeds of today's troubles were planted long before the first efforts at founding a modern state of Israel'.
Tuchman, Barbara W. - BIBLE AND SWORD. England and Palestine from the Bronze Age to Balfour
Tuchman, Barbara W. - BIBLE AND SWORD. England and Palestine from the Bronze Age to Balfour
Tuchman, Barbara W. - BIBLE AND SWORD. England and Palestine from the Bronze Age to Balfour
Tuchman, Barbara W. - BIBLE AND SWORD. England and Palestine from the Bronze Age to Balfour
Tuchman, Barbara W. - BIBLE AND SWORD. England and Palestine from the Bronze Age to Balfour
Tuchman, Barbara W. - BIBLE AND SWORD. England and Palestine from the Bronze Age to Balfour
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