
A Crime Called Freedom








164 pages

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“Let us point out immediately, once and for all, that we cangaceiros do not come out of the left, anarchist or otherwise; there isn’t a single ex-militant among us. (…) We have only one form of relationship with political groups and organizations: war. They are all our enemies; there is no exception. We aren’t “on the border of delinquency”; we are delinquents.”

Os Cangaceiros was a group comprised of delinquents who were caught up in the spirit of the French insurrection of 1968 – an insurrection that was not just a “student revolt”. As the media has tried to portray it, but that encompassed the whole of French society. They traveled all over Europe, participating in revolts throughout the 1970s and early 1980s. By the mid-1980s, their experiences with judicial and prison systems led them to focus attack there. Most of the material here relates to their anti-prison activity. This activity of theirs – that lasted from approximately 1984 to the early 1990s – was important, because it managed not to limit itself to expressing a merely theoretical critique of the existent, but maintained and spread a consequent practical critique.
Os Cangaceiros - A Crime Called Freedom
Rupture Amsterdam


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