
Present yourself with power, dare to shine




Peg'S Publishing




Staat: Als nieuw / Bladzijden: 192 / Druk: 1 / Art.nr. : 7442be2e-28b9-4288-95d6-e203f79b102e / Vindplaats: opslag

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What Is the Aim of this Book?

This book offers insight into how you communicate and present yourself. It offers ways to improve your communication techniques and provides useful ideas on how you can put yourself on a higher level and be more relaxed in difficult situations. It will not only help you become a better presenter when you are in front of an audience, but will also give you the ability to present yourself with confidence in your daily life.

Whether you work as a journalist, a television or radio announcer, a manager or spokesperson, a lawyer or politician, a trainer or teacher, an actor, MC, or voice-over; every day you put yourself literally and figuratively in the spotlight. This book is for everyone who ever finds themselves in a situation where they need to speak in front of an audience, large or small. You may need to give a presentation, host a show or event, or you may simply have an interview or need to participate in a meeting; good communication is essential to every situation.

Giving a presentation or being interviewed can be a nightmare for many people. Some even prefer to let others do the speaking for them. But sometimes you just can't get out of it. Your employer or a client may expect you to give a presentation, or perhaps you find yourself speaking to a journalist as the spokesperson in a given situation. There may also be times when you decide that you would like to say a few words in front of your family and friends, for example at a funeral or wedding.

Wouldn't it be nice if, despite the emotions associated with the event, you were able to give a strong, composed, and captivating speech?

If you would like to present yourself well, in personal or professional situations, you can achieve this by first working on how you communicate. An understanding of verbal and non- verbal communication, and a command of the necessary skills, can be invaluable to you when you are developing a presentation.
I would like to encourage you to read this book with a sense of openness and a willingness to develop the ability to present yourself in the best possible manner, verbally and non- verbally. I would also like you to experience this book as a great journey, a journey through your own thoughts and behaviors. This journey is both personal and professional, and it will take you into the unknown, where you will gain self-awareness and insight into your own manner of presentation and communication.

o A journey of personal growth will be facilitated by reading this book, which will lead you to a level of confidence where you dare to shine.

You are welcome to read this book in the order it is presented, or skip to a chapter or section that interests you or can help you the most. However, I would like to urge you, after you've finished reading this introduction, to read the next chapter, BIAAR Method & Pavalo Triangle. I will refer to these two paradigms throughout the book, and they are important cornerstones for your personal development and the development of your presentation skills. Further on in this Introduction, I will provide a brief explanation of the BIAAR Method and the Pavalo Triangle.
Pauline van Aken - Present yourself with power, dare to shine
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