
Resurfacing / druk 1




Wizardry Uitgevers




2002, paperback

Meer info
In 1986, a teacher named Harry Palmer created The Avatar Course. That same year he founded Star's Edge International®, the seminar management corporation that supervises the delivery of the Avatar Materials. Harry's writings are a profound contribution to the growing body of knowledge, exercises, and processes directed to self-improvement. Many individuals and companies in the personal-development industry have adopted his ideas.

Harry Palmer dresses simply, lives simply, and remembers to open the door for the ladies. He looks at you steadily when you talk and, if you get the feeling that he is interested in what you have to say, he is. In sharp contrast, he is also the CEO of a rapidly growing international corporation and the unexpected inheritor of a prestige that once belonged only to prominent spiritual leaders. This simple man's writings are creating a movement that is sweeping the planet.

Today, few who fair-mindedly study Harry Palmer's techniques can doubt the profound effect that his writings are having on the collective consciousness of the world. Harry's writings have been translated into 20 languages, and his business model has had a major impact on the personal-development seminar industry.

Are you living off of someone else's blueprint? Wearing someone else's clothes? Living someone else's life? Don't answer until you have worked your way through the 30 consciousness expanding exercises in this book.

ReSurfacing refers to the action of disentangling yourself from old creations and rising back into awareness. It is a process of revealing your self to yourself. The reward is discovering why your life works—or why it doesn't.

Without a doubt, you will be surprised and amazed to discover the source called "You."
Palmer, H. - Resurfacing / druk 1
Mirananda Karana Wageningen


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