
Yes Yoko Ono.




With Jon Hendricks. New York : Japan Society & H.N. Abrams, 2000. Paperback. 352 pp. illustrations (some color) ; 31 cm. + 1 audio disc (4 3/4 in.) Conditie: als nieuw




Conditie: als nieuw. ART

Meer info
This illustrated book is the first full survey of the artist's career to include work in all media, including film and music. An introductory essay by Alexandra Munroe explores Ono's life, her relationship to international avant-garde movements in America and Japan, and the aspects of her art and thought that have guided her prolific production over four decades. Jon Hendrick's study of Ono and Fluxus offers new insights into her contributions to one of the most radical collectives in the history of modern art. Essays by Murray Sayle, David Ross, and Jann S. Wenner enrich our understanding of Ono's complex role as one of the most public icons of the late twentieth century. Contents : Spirit of YES: the art and life of Yoko Ono / Alexandra Munroe -- Yoko Ono and Fluxus / Jon Hendricks -- The making of Yoko Ono, prophet of the 1960s / Murray Sayle -- Not here / David A. Ross -- Notes on the ballad of John and Yoko / Jann S. Wenner -- Scores and instructions : Instructions for a world of stickiness: the early conceptual work of Yoko Ono / Bruce Altshuler ; Works / Bruce Altshuler and Midori Yoshimoto -- Early objects : Somewhere for the dust to cling: Yoko Ono's paintings and early objects / Joan Rothfuss ; Works / Joan Rothfuss and Midori Yoshimoto -- Events and performances : Being undyed: the meeting of mind and matter in Yoko Ono's events / Kristine Stiles ; Works / Kristine Stiles and Midori Yoshimoto -- Advertisements : Nothing IsReal: Yoko Ono's advertising art / Kevin Concannon ; Works / Kevin Concannon -- Films and video : Erotic Conceptualism: the films of Yoko Ono / Chrissie Iles ; Works / Chrissie Iles -- Music : Music of the mind from the voice of raw soul / Edward M. Gomez ; Works / Edward M. Gomez -- Yoko now : Bronze Age / Alexandra Munroe ; When idea becomes form / Nanjo Fumio ; Urban space as art space: a celebration of being human / Kai Bauer ; The interactive field of art / Achille Bonito Oliva ; Yoko Ono's conceptual photography / Lars Schwander ; Seduction of the gaze and life experience in the work of Yoko Ono / Pablo J. Rico -- Anthology: writings by Yoko Ono / Jon Hendricks ; Chronology: exhibitions, concerts, events, etc / Reiko Tomii and Kevin Concannon.
Kloof Antiquariaat Amsterdam


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