
Métamorphose de l'Objet


Palais Des Beaux-Arts


65,00(Excl. verzendkosten)



1971, Soft Cover, Good, Exhibition Catalog

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Text: FR. 160 p.; b/w ills.; 17,5 x 24 cm. This exhibition catalogue is special as Marcel Broodthaers used it to make the same year, 'Ma Collection' - fig. 3- (Kölner Kunst Markt, 1971) a work that consists of books and documents of exhibitions in which he participated. --- "What would be described as a Broodthaers' collector's instinct appeared frequently in various other forms. Most obviously he developed the role of collector / curator / creator in the establishment of his own museum from 1968 to 1972. He presented himself as collector of his own work in the 'Décors' from 1974 to 1976, and earlier in 'Ma Collection' (1971) a work first exhibited by the Wide White Space in 1971 at the Cologne Art Fair - as Broodthaers wrote on the back of one of the boards '... à l'occasion d'une foire sans importance...'. 'Ma Colleciton' is a retrospective work, a visual résumé of Broodthaers career as an artist and evidence of his success to that date. His stated intention in 'Comme du beurre dans un sandwich' now realised, Broodthaers' collection consisted of his own work, composede of two panels. The left hand panel was partly covered with small photographs of catalogue covers of Broodthaers' exhibitions, each labeled with a figure number from 'fig-1' to 'fig-24'. Beneath the photographs was a page from the Cologne Art Fair Catalogue in which the photographs were reproduced; virtually the same images were thereby repeated.....The catalogue in which 'Ma Collection' appeared would in turn be used as a component part of a future work." in : 'Marcel Broodthaers: Strategy and Dialogue', Deborah Schultz, 2007, pp 67-68. See also the catalogue 'Marcel Broodthaers', Musée du Jeu de Paume, 1991, p 161.
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