
Jurgen Maelfeyt : Les Pierres




APE Art Paper Editions


28,00(Excl. verzendkosten)



2013, Soft Cover, As New, First Edition

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No text. 80 p.; ill.; 19 x 27 cm; 300 g. Edition: 500 copies. 'FLIP - About Image Construction' is the catalogue published on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name, held at KASK, Ghent in March 2018 and curated by Kasper Andreasen. The exhibition focused on displaying a temporary archive of artists’ books parallel to more than a dozen filmic works. Alongside the film and video works in the exhibition, artists’ books from the KASK collection (Kunstenbibliotheek) were shown as well as selections by 4 book collectors and publishers. The term ‘FLIP’ associatively refers to the performative gesture of leafing through a book but also to notions of image sequences, reversal (printing), the flipbook, as well as the use of text and images in both books and video works. The exhibition was a way of showing these media together, emphasizing the use of narrative strategies and image construction as extensions of each other. Initially produced as a guide to the exhibition, this transformed catalogue contains a complete bibliography of the displayed books with stills of the films together with exhibition documentation. New
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