
Anti Aging. Eat Whole-Food, Plant Based






Ping Pao


19,95(Excl. verzendkosten)


2014, deluxe paperback with flaps, with illustrations, 28 x 19,5 x 1,2 cm, 196pp, 715 gr.

Meer info
Anti-aging diet proven by medical research: Whole Foods Vegetarian Diet
"Disease comes from the mouth" is indeed, YouAreWhatYouEat, then "love comes from the mouth" is even more accurate! Choose a diet best suited for human health, eat the best nutrients in your mouth, nourish your body with love of nature, and balance body and mind through adequate exercise. Anti-aging, effortless, the body starts by itself!

Book is in a very good condition.

Eating whole-food vegetables every day can effectively fight aging, much safer, faster and more effective in the long run than concentrated supplements or vitamin pills. Medical research has shown that whole-food vegetables are rich in super-antioxidants, which protect us from free radical damage and slow the aging process of cells.

About the Author:
Tansy sister Althea has been eating whole vegetables for over 24 years. HappyPlantarian was born a year and a half ago and is committed to promoting "in a warm, nutritious and fun environment, to create delicious whole foods and plant-based foods with creativity and heart, so that the belief of "love comes from the mouth" , through whole vegetables. Creating food recipes, producing fully vegetarian dishes, producing fully vegetarian baking, feeding all vegetables and cooking guidance, with sincere and skilled hands, to bring ideas to life.
Years ago, HappyPlantarian officially became the Educational Alliance Program Partner of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in the United States, and the first partner in Hong Kong to be qualified to teach the Food for Life program ("food for life program"). . Previously, Althea also obtained the "Diploma in Whole Vegetable Nutrition" and "Diploma in Cardiology Nutrition" issued by e-Cornell University from TheT.Colin CampbellCenterforNutritionStudies in the United States.
The Sanwu sisters have nothing to do. Tansy either trains her biceps and kneads dough to make homemade bread, or she constantly stirs her irresistible "New Flavors of Sanwu Baking"; Althea shuttles between the kitchen and the garden, not cultivating Her GMO-free edible flowers and herbs make an unexpectedly delicious vegetarian meal! In short, the family does not escape the "white rat lock".
The two sisters' unique cooking skills are loved and confirmed by Chaih's friends. Chaih's Hong Kong star friends, five-star hotel chefs, professionals, professional athletes and Facebook fans are full of praise! The Three No Sisters, a family of three and eight cats, live in harmony in Hong Kong.
The TAN Sisters - Anti Aging. Eat Whole-Food, Plant Based
The TAN Sisters - Anti Aging. Eat Whole-Food, Plant Based
The TAN Sisters - Anti Aging. Eat Whole-Food, Plant Based
The TAN Sisters - Anti Aging. Eat Whole-Food, Plant Based
Leeszaal Vreewijk Rotterdam


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