
Chiasmus in Antiquity. Structures, Analyses, Exegesis.




Gerstenberg Verlag, Hildesheim, 1981




353p. Paperback. Signature on free endpaper.

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?While not ignoring or rejecting the continued importance of the Historica-critical method, more and more scholars are turning their attention to the literary qualities of the Old and New Testaments. The volume under review is one of the most recent and most interesting of such studies. Its approach is both narrow and wide: narrow, in that it studies only one literary device, chiasmus; wide, in that it is concerned with this device not only in biblical literature, but in such related literature as that of ancient Mesopotamia, of the second millennium B.C. Syrian city of Ugarit, and to the fifth century B.C. Aramaic literature of Elephantine. The volume also includes a study of chiasmus in Classical Greek and Latin literature, in post-biblical Jewish literature and in the Book of Mormon. (?) It is virtually impossible to summarize or evaluate thoroughly a book like this, whose importance lies in the hundreds of examples that are included. (?) The great value of a book of this type is that it will focus the attention of scholars on literary devices like chiasmus; and such attention will bring new instances to light. (?) Of particular importance in an encyclopedic work like this are the full indexes. (?) This is not a book for the general reader, although the material is presented clearly enough for comprehension; it is a book for the scholar of the literatures of antiquity. A book that demands and amply repays intensive study, it is highly recommended.? (JOHN S. KSELMAN in Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, 1984, no.4, pp.146-148).
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