
Totally Interactive Band Bible + DVD and CD






Grantham Book Orphans


19,50(Excl. verzendkosten)


2007, 160 pp., hardcover met spiraalbinding. Als nieuw

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Following on from the bestselling Totally Interactive Guitar Bible , this four-part package of two books, a DVD, and a CD is aimed squarely at the young musician who has mastered the basics of his or her instrument and is now confronted by the time-honored question: how do I put a band together? The TIBB shows musicians how to start working with others in a variety of line-ups and styles. The principle target audience is guitarists and bassists, but there is also a wealth of material relevant to drummers, keyboard players, and singers.The package comprises 4 interconnected elements. The Bandmember's Handbook is a practical guide to forming a band, from understanding your instruments to recording and playing live. The Tutor Book is a step-by-step course in moving beyond playing alone to working with other musicians. The DVD follows the sequence of The Tutor Book , as presenter Rod Fogg takes a group of teenage musicians into the rehearsal studio and runs them through how to play together in different configurations, as well as guiding them on how to shape and perform their material. The CD contains over 70 professionally recorded tracks covering all of the exercises in The Tutor Book , as well as full length performances by the band featured in the DVD.
Fogg, Rod - Totally Interactive Band Bible + DVD and CD
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