
Lego Software Power Tools. Including Ldraw, Mlcad and Lpub. Create virtual 3D Lego models + CD-rom






Syngres Publishing


29,50(Excl. verzendkosten)


2002, 489 pp., paperback. Goed

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Net, strak en fris exemplaar met CD-Rom.

You can create Virtual 3D Lego Models Using Lego Software Power Tools. Lego Master Builders have created a powerful set of tools that are distributed as freeware to the Lego community to assist Lego fans in their building adventures. Until now, these tools have been difficult to find, and even more difficult to configure to work with one another. Here, in one book, readers will find steps for installing and using all of the most popular Lego freeware applications. Also, all of the applications are consolidated into one simple-to-install program that allows readers to be up and running in minutes. This book will appeal to the huge established consumer base of the Lego community, as well as to children, parents, and teachers who may have been intimidated by the difficulties of bringing all of these applications under one roof.It is the only book of its kind to cover the wide variety of applications available. Some books in the past have touched on one or two of these Lego applications, but none has covered them all in such detail. The included CD packs more than 8 applications into one easy-to-use format, making it easy for readers to have access to all of these applications in minutes and avoid the headaches of trying to download, install, configure, set up folder structures, and troubleshoot such a wide variety of loosely related freeware applications. It will coincide with the release of Lpub. This will be the first in-depth look at LPub, the new creation of Kevin Clague, which ties LDraw, MLCad, L3P, and POV-Ray together to allow users to easily create professional quality Lego instructions for both the printed page and the web.
Clague, Kevin - Lego Software Power Tools. Including Ldraw, Mlcad and Lpub. Create virtual 3D Lego models + CD-rom
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