
Seeing through clothes. Fashioning ourselves. An intriguing new look at image-making.




Avon Books, New York. First Avon Printing 1980. Paperback.




Fine copy.

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HOLLANDER, ANNE (1930 - 2014)
Seeing through clothes. Fashioning ourselves. An intriguing new look at image-making.

Avon Books, New York. First Avon Printing 1980. Paperback. 504 pp. 13½ x 20¼ x 2¾ cm. 550 gr. ISBN-10 0-380-58777-2. Cover design by Martin Geller. "Dressed Maja" and "Nude Maja" courtesy of The Prado Museum. Many captioned monochrome illustrations, source of illustrations, notes and references, bibliography, index, table of contents

Examines representations of the body and clothing in Western art, from Greek sculpture and vase painting, through medieval and renaissance portraits, to contemp. films and fashion photography. The relation between Art history and Fashion history.

Seeing through clothes is a vivid pictorial history of the changing images of ourselves in fashion. From classical Greek sculpture through the photographs of Richard Avedon, Anne Hollander shows us how art has determined, rather than reflected, our concept of beauty and fashion. She examines the evolution of underclothes, hair as sexual symbol, the difference between "naked" and "nude", the role of black clothing, the meaning of mirror images, and how our concept of the perfect figure changes, and thus has altered fashion through the ages.

"It's a work that instructs the eye, both for looking at pictures and for looking at people." - The Baltimore Sun

"Brilliant, opulently-illustrated, original...never less thans stimulating." - The Boston Globe

"Penetrating thought about living in a clothed world...this book is worth reading - and slowly." - New York Magazine

Fine copy.

HOLLANDER, ANNE (1930 - 2014) - Seeing through clothes. Fashioning ourselves. An intriguing new look at image-making.
HOLLANDER, ANNE (1930 - 2014) - Seeing through clothes. Fashioning ourselves. An intriguing new look at image-making.
HOLLANDER, ANNE (1930 - 2014) - Seeing through clothes. Fashioning ourselves. An intriguing new look at image-making.
Willy Demacker Books Amsterdam

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