
Palaces of Minoan Crete. With photographs by L. Cadogan and drawings by P. Clarke.


Methuen, London / New York, 1980




Corr. ed. 164p. ills.(B&W photographs and line drawings). Paperback.

Meer info
'In this clear and authoritative guide Gerald Cadogan discusses all the palaces and the grand town and country houses of Minoan Crete. Beginning with an account of how the palatial civilization came about, he looks at the significance of the palaces for the economym culture, religion and social life of the Minoans. He then takes us round, site by site, the great Minoan buildings, from Knossos with its palace and town houses to the simpler manor houses in the country which reveal a way of life extremely rare in ancient Greece, We are led into places normally neglected, shown how archaeologists have excavated the buildings and given clues to reconstructing them in the imagination. The author has excavated in Crete since 1960 and has a deep love for the island, a sense of which is conveyed in his writing. Together with its numerous site plans and photographs his book does much to broaden oour understanding of a remarkable civilization through the buildings which were at its centre. (...) Mr Cadogan's book with its first-hand knowledge so clearly applied, its engaging and convincing feeling for Minoan site and Cretan landscape, deserves a special place.' (Times Literary Supplement).
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