
Untersuchungen zum Aufbau plautinischer Lieder.


Vendenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 1964




89p. Sewn. Pencil annotations and underlinings from WGA. Front cover a bit grimy, with small crease. Series: Hypomnemata, 10. (Rare).

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'The author's aim is to explain the structure of at least those cantica which consist of reasonable long sequences of metrically similar lines. (...) After defining the technical terms he will use, he first describes four familiar and common ways of concluding complete cantica in Plautus (...). In passing he gives sufficient examples to show that the concluding line is very frequently foreshadowed by another variant two lines before. (...). Havind defined these four ways of ending a canticum, Maurach turns to the internal structure, and finds that the same phenomena are used to conclude series of lines within the canticum. The major part of the book discusses in detail eight cantica. (...) In these cantica he establishes a structure consisting of 'blocks' of lines, one sentence or more long, their limits distinguishable by metre and sense content, and by two formal features - that they frequently start with a conjunction (...) and that they frequently have one of the four clausula-types at the end (...).' (M.M. WILLCOCK in The Classical Review (New Series), 1966, p.45). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott.
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