
Die Argonautika des Apollonios von Rhodos. Untersuchungen zum Problem der einheitlichen Konzeption des Inhalts.




Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 1999




307p. Paperback. Spine with light reading traces. Light remains of signature on half title. Two pencil annotations in bibliography. Series: Hermes Einzelschriften, 80.

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?Although Pietsch is in his book ultimately concerned with the old question of unity in Appolonius? ?Argonautica? and revisits several issues which have been discussed extensively in the past few years, an extremely wide and interesting range of material is presented that often takes a slightly different angle on a number of important problems. P. not only deals with the ?Argonautica? but also includes sections on Hellenistic poetry in general and analyses of Theocritus? and Callimachus? writings, thus placing the work both in the genre of epic and in the contemporary poetic context. A detailed discussion of the role of Zeus in Callimachus? first Hymn is, for example included in the fourth section (180-92). P. argues that unity can be found not only on a structural level, but also in the motivation for the action and the theme of suffering and fame, in the unified theology underlying the epic, and in unity of character of both Medea and Jason, who unifies the action by his very appearance. (?) In his conclusion (?) P. admits to be attracted by the possibility of the influence of Stoicism, but does not pursue these interests further in his study.? (MIRJAM PLANTINGA in The Journal of Hellenic Studies 2002, p.171).
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