
Dianetics. The evolution of science






Hubbard Publication


29,50(Excl. verzendkosten)


2002, 163 pp., hardcover met stofomslag. NIEUWSTAAT

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To answer the increasing demand for solutions to stress, anxiety, relationship problems and meny other human problems. Dianetics: An Evolution of a Science is being released. "Dianetics: The Evolutions of a Science" is in fact Hubbard's first publication on the subject of Dianetics. This publications answers probably one of man's most asked questions: What is the potential of the human mind. UNLOCK YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF THE HUMAN MIND. What causes you to feel stress, depression and negitive emotions? What blocks your intelegence, your confidence, your ability to achieve your goals? This book contains the key to a factual understanding of exactly how the mind works. In these pages, L.Ron Hubbard guides you, step by step, through the revolutionary discoveries which led to the development of Dianetics. This is L.Ron Hubbard's own story of the search, the breakthroughs and the results as they happened. In this book, you will discover: The true capabilites and potentials of the human mind -- which are far greater than man has imagined. The mechanics of how the mind functions -- and malfunctions. Exactly how the mind locks you into negitive feelings, depression and bad health. The single source of man's irrationality, unhappiness and psychosomatiocal illness. How and why Dianetics works -- the basic principals and broad use of today's only practical and effective technology of the mind. Unlock your understanding of yourself and others. The key is in your hands with this book.
Hubbard, Ron L. - Dianetics. The evolution of science
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