Works : the Oceana and other works.
Harrington, James.
With an account of his life by John Toland. Aalen : Scientia Verlag,1980. 2nd reprint of the edition 1771. Orig. cloth binding. xl,614 pp. With 1 portrait & 2 ills. Conditie: nieuw
€ 97,00
Conditie: nieuw. HISTORY
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James Harrington (1611-1677) was an English political theorist of classical republicanism, best known for his controversial publication, The Commonwealth of Oceana (1656). This work was an exposition on an ideal constitution, designed to facilitate the development of a utopian republic. Harrington's manuscripts have vanished; his printed writings consist of Oceana, and papers, pamphlets, aphorisms and treatises, many of which are devoted to its defence. The first two editions are known as the "Chapman" and the "Pakeman". Their contents are nearly identical. His Works, including the Pakeman Oceana and the somewhat important A System of Politics, were first edited with biography by John Toland in 1700.[6] Toland's edition, with numerous substantial additions by Thomas Birch, appeared first in Dublin in 1737 and 1758, and then in England in 1747 and 1771. This is a facsimilé reprint of the 1771-edition.
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