
Civil society and democratization : social movements in northeast Thailand.




Copenhagen : NIAS, 2006. Paperback.xii, 251 p. ; 22 cm. Somchai Phatharathananunth. Conditie: goed




Conditie: goed. ASIA

Meer info
- This book is for anyone wondering whatever happened to Thailand's vanished Marxist insurgents or interested in understanding the forces behind the mass demonstrations of peasants that periodically descend on Bangkok. Specifically, the book investigates the struggle of an important social movement in Thailand, the Small Scale Farmers' Assembly of Isan (SSFAI), and examines the role of civil society in the process of democratization. This first major work on the SSFAI demonstrates how civil society organizations in the form of social movements contribute to the democratization process in the key areas of citizenship rights. Moreover, the book also addresses two important themes in social movements research: the impacts of strategies and tactics on the outcomes of social movements, and the effect of organizational structure on movements' goals and activities.
Phatharathananunth, Somchai. - Civil society and democratization : social movements in northeast Thailand.
Kloof Antiquariaat Amsterdam


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