
The Encyclopedia of Judaism. Volume IV, supplement I




New York: Continuum, 2002. Hardcover Dustjacket. xix, 2029 pp Conditie: als nieuw




Conditie: als nieuw. JUDÏACA

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- The Encyclopedia of Judaism provides a full and reliable account of Judaism, beginning in ancient Israelite times and extending to our own day. About Judaism, the religion, its diverse history, literature, beliefs past and present, observances and practices, and place in the context of society and culture, this is what we know. All principal topics required for the systematic description of Judaism as a religion the world view, way of life, theory of the social entity constituted by the faithful are addressed here. A full and detailed index provides ready-reference for facts, and the systematic articles set forth highly readable accounts of the entire range of Judaic systems of belief and behavior put forth over time and in our own time. It is written for people from all backgrounds, scholars and general readers alike.More than 100 topics are covered in the first three volumes of the Encyclopedia. This first Supplement adds 32 new studies in the history, practices, and theology of Judaism.
Kloof Antiquariaat Amsterdam


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