
Social Nation.How to Harness the Power of Social Media to Attract Customers, Motivate Employees, and Grow Your Business






John Wiley & Sons


12,50(Excl. verzendkosten)


2010, 1e dr., 256 pp., gebonden hardcover. NIEUWSTAAT

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It's time to join Social Nation and prosper! This book will show you, as an employee, customer or partner, how to use new social technologies, make yourself heard, and produce better products and services. As a leader and manager, you'll find out how to use these tools to harness social interactions to improve your business and to create your own social nation. The book provides a social assessment for leaders, managers and employees to scientifically evaluate your individual social skills and competencies. This book relies on well-known case studies about businesses that illustrate how social principles and strategies can help organizations to: Integrate social skills into existing managerial and leadership practices Overcome some of the common risks and objections that are often cited as obstacles to becoming a successful social enterprise Adopt new forms of social leadership across the entire organization Attain social intelligence by listening, understanding, and measuring outcomes of your investment in relationships with customers, employees and partners Realize tangible economic benefits and ROI from new product and service offerings Social Nation provides readers with an opportunity to join the Social Nation community and share experiences with other leaders and social individuals.
Libert, Barry - Social Nation.How to Harness the Power of Social Media to Attract Customers, Motivate Employees, and Grow Your Business
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